
Petar Maksimovic avatar image
Petar Maksimovic asked

Multiplus inverter switch off at predefined time

Is it possible to programm Multi not to invert from the battery during certain hours of day?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

some more information and explanation of what you are trying to do. I are you just wanting to turn the inverter fully off or just go to pass through so that the mains is still supplying loads

if you want it off then connect a timer to the remote on off control on the main PCB board as this will turn the unit off when opened and back on when closed
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Petar Maksimovic avatar image
Petar Maksimovic answered ·

It seems external timer is the only solution as Multi does not utilise real time clock internaly.

Or using Generator daily start stop funciton on GX device to drive Multi's remote on/off control as suggested.

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vanadventurer avatar image
vanadventurer answered ·

I have a multi plus 3000 and would like to use this functionality too. What kind of timer can be used?

2 |3000

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