
Doron Azulay avatar image
Doron Azulay asked

My consumption data got messed up since i added a 2nd battery

everything was fine before, had a 12v 200ah lifepo4 battery

a multiplus 12/1600/70

cerbo gx + 4g router to allow me access to the system from anywhere

i added a 2nd battery to the mix connected in parrallel, charged them both all the way and hit the calibrate button on the BMV712.

since then, my consumption meter is showing 0W, even though i know the cerbo gx and the router are taking 1-1.5amps constantly

it was a lot more accurate before, now nothing.

i tried shutting things down and then clicking the syncro button on the BMV settings to reset the AH, didnt help

what else can i try ?

i want it back the way it was :(

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
simon-forester avatar image
simon-forester answered ·

When you calibrated did you disconnect everything apart from the battery and the BMV? So the cerbo and router for example where off? Otherwise their current will be ignored.

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Doron Azulay avatar image Doron Azulay commented ·

I think i did that when i synchronized, not when calibrated.

I was supposed to do the same on both?

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Doron Azulay commented ·

@Doron Azulay

Synchronize: set SOC to 100%

Calibrate: set current to 0A, you probably did this while pulling 1,5A\

to fix: disconnect all users from shunt and calibrate again.

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rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

Did you change all of the settings pertaining to your battery bank; available Ah, etc?

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