
fernando-dambros avatar image
fernando-dambros asked

Is it possible to connect a load (resistance) before the solar controller Smartsolar 100/50?

Is it possible to connect a load (resistance) before the solar controller mppt 100/50?

I'm thinking to use the dc from the solar panel, to power a boiler using a Relay controlled by a 712bmv. The panels, 2 x 315w 40v in series.

This will interfere with the mppt function or another thing?

MPPT ControllersMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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harold avatar image harold commented ·

The actual voltage on your boiler will be very instable

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fernando-dambros avatar image fernando-dambros harold commented ·

This is not a problem, is just a resistance, the voltage variation will only affect the power and this is not a problem

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Fernando Dambros

In theory it would work as an mppt function is to use impedance to work the best point for power. It would decrease your solar yeilds to the mppt.

Not tried it personally but bad panel connections are high impedance connections. If you are really unsure I suppose you could work a way for the panles to disconnect from the mppt when the boiler switches on.

Is there a reason why you are not using the bmv to switch the boiler on from the battery side though? As the on off based on soc would work from there too?

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fernando-dambros avatar image
fernando-dambros answered ·

I could use a Relay nc/no to disconnect the mppt and connect the boiler.

I don't use battery side because must pass through the inverter and the load is very high. If I use a 12v coil still need high Amps to work properly. The idea is taken advantage of the 75v provided in the solar array, the Amps will be significant lower.

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