
woutor avatar image
woutor asked

Mppt problem bulk/float and not charching

Hello everyone i seem to have a problem with my mppt 100/50. Not charching.

The bulk light flashes a few times in blue, then goes on float in green for a number of seconds(sometimes minutes) then back to bulk etc.

Batterie 11,5 volts (230ah)

Solar panal (1) 330watts 30-50volts

Mppt 100/50

Called my dealer and they asked me to reconnect the batterie and solar. But no change.

Anyone had an idea?

Thanks alot!

MPPT Controllers
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5 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Sound to me that you have a bad connection between the battery and the MPPT inputs. please measure the voltage at the battery with a volt meter and then, WHEN the unit is in BULK mode and you have good SUN light on your panels measure the battery voltage at the Regulator bat terminals and at the PV terminals, the voltages at the MPPT bat terminals and the batrtery should be the same or very close.

I suspect that when its in bulk mode the voltage at the reg will be 14.5 or there abouts and the voltage at the battery will be around 11.5 still, this means the wires are way to small or one is broken or has a bad connection

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woutor avatar image
woutor answered ·

Hi paul

Thank you for your reply.

I replaced the cable from the mppt + output to the batterie. Now its just stays on float.

Batterie output 11,5 v

Batterie itself 11,5 v

Pv in ~30-50volts

It is cloudy now

But staying in float is weird right?

Thanks again, woutor

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woutor avatar image
woutor answered ·

Now its back to only blinking bulk.

Manual says its an error:

Internal error (*3)

Note (*3): E.g. calibration and/or settings data lost, current sensor issue.

I have the non-smart one. So no bluetooth i guess.

Is there a way to reset it?

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woutor avatar image
woutor answered ·

I disconnected the plus from the batterie. Bu the llus out from the mppt was still connected to my electric system. Whitch only has a volt meter at this moment. The volt went up to 12 and the mppt went back to float.

No idea if this info is any usefull but i thought its maybe worth mentioning

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Wilder West Vic avatar image
Wilder West Vic answered ·

Did you fux this in the end?

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