
Roberto Kruse avatar image
Roberto Kruse asked

Tigo's Rapid Shutdown and MPPT charge controllers

Has anyone used Tigo's RSD (Rapid Shutdown) with Victron's charge controllers?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Roberto Kruse avatar image
Roberto Kruse answered ·

I was told by Support from Tigo:

"Tigo rapid shutdown works by sending a "keep alive" signal when the RSS Transmitter or CCA is powered on and operating. When that "keep alive" signal goes away, the TS4s go into rapid shutdown.

The TS4 Fire Safety products (all TS4s ending in "F") use PLC (power line communication). This can look like noise (or an arc fault) to a device that is not "tuned" to handle it. Some inverters that are not compatible can have AFCI nuisance tripping as a result."

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solarhack avatar image
solarhack answered ·

I haven't used them but I do see the TS4-A-S doesn't use PCL, it uses the Wireless module to shutdown the array.

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