
bones83 avatar image
bones83 asked

(SOLVED) Multiplus VEconfig - Error during write to device 0


I cannot seem to get my settings on a second hand multiplus to save, even if I retrieve the inverter settings and change nothing, I cannot save the settings back to the unit...

I always get the error - "Error during write to device 0. When sending data to more devices, a likely cause of this error is that not all devices do support all settings which are send now! Please retry!"

I have only my laptop connected to the mutiplus through a mk3-usb.

I hope someone can help because all i can think to do now is flash the firmware!! Not very keen on this though.......

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I think that the best thing to do is upgrade the unit to the latest firmware then try again. you will have to re setup all your setting in the multiplus though after the firmware upgrade

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bones83 avatar image
bones83 answered ·

Thanks Paul,

I decided that the firmaware was my only remaining option last night. It has indeed fixed my problem - the multiplus now appears to function as normal. Thanks for the quick reply

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