
avalon avatar image
avalon asked

Two Multiplus wired in Split phase and only Master Multi charger is working

On shore power, I have two Multiplus 3000s wired in split-phase (180) with the charging source off L1 for the Master and L2 for the Slave. I have 240 between L1 and L2 at the two Multis and when I go to charge, only the master will charge. The slave acts as a passthrough and the inverter light is lit with no charger light. The Master only the charger light is lit.

In config, it shows it is configured correctly (attached picture) and when you click into the Multi, it shows the Slave Multi ("not in phase"). Is it saying this because of split-phase and 180 out or do I have a setting incorrect? Also, when I click "Switch as group", neither the Master or the Slave will charge. Only by unclicking does it allow me to let the Master charge.

I've asked my Victron supplier and he has never set up Multipluses in split phase and has not idea. It would be great if someone from Victron can weigh in or let me know if this is the limitation of the Multis or what?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
img-9066.jpg (5.9 MiB)
img-9061.jpg (7.1 MiB)
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remarc avatar image remarc commented ·

Good question.

If you disconnect the AC source does the L2 “not in phase” indication go away?

What is your AC source? Utility or generator?

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avalon avatar image avalon remarc commented ·

Thanks for your response. I figured it out and it appears my pier does not have L2 at 180 degrees. It worked fine on the generator and now works fine with shore power.

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creeky avatar image creeky avalon commented ·

I'm trying to get split phase to work for me. I will change my Fixed 2 to floating and return (thanks!).

But how did you get split phase to work? I can get one leg to show 120v but not the other. I noticed you have switch as group unchecked. Is this the secret sauce?

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arstegmeier avatar image arstegmeier avalon commented ·
I’m having a similar problem. How did you get it to work?
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Avalon

Do you have a diagram of how you wired the inverters?

The 'not in phase' message suggests that it might not be wired correctly.

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avalon avatar image avalon commented ·

Hi Daniel,

No, it is wired correctly. I figured it out after I made this post. It works fine with the generator and it is only with shore power. I tested shore power and it appears my pier does not have L2 at 180. I changed the setup of L2 fixed to L2 floating with return to original phase and it works fine now. I do have each Multiplus at 120amps charging and and considering derating them a little as they run pretty hot at the end of the charge cycle. I do have a dedicated blower for the Multiplus heat. Do you recommend de-rating to 100amps each?

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