
jasontav avatar image
jasontav asked

Multiplus 24/3000/70 Replacement fan(s)


I just noticed a lot of noise from the fan when it starts rotating in my multiplus.

I need to get a spare one, does anyone have the specification please?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
hvalentim avatar image
hvalentim answered ·

Just replaced the fan on my "old" MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 - Product ID 1910 (not a "Quattro", mind you).

Found the original one to be a Sunon EEC0382B2-000U-A99 (which first failed me ~3 years ago because the solder on one of the wires became loose due to some sort of oxidation, now started to do a nagging high-pitched sound, presumably due to vibrations transmitted to the metal air vent protection grid).

Replaced it with a Multicomp MC002108

Spec.s are similar enough.

Profited the chance to add a fan (anti-)vibration sleeve and replace the grid with a plastic one [which, turns out, may potentially dampen the vibrations better but forces the air to pass trough square angles - unlike the original metal grid, which was round - making a bit of a vacuum cleaner tube like (sucking) sound].

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dieseljim avatar image
dieseljim answered ·

Where are the fans located? I have the cover off and have looked at the bottom of the unit, but still don't see a fan housing or opening. My multiplus 24/3000/70 is from 2008. Thanks for any directions.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You need to remove the front cover not just the lower access cover to access the fan. It's up inside by the transformer.

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