
Roberto Kruse avatar image
Roberto Kruse asked

UL1741. Is there an approximate date when more Multis and Quattro will comply with UL1741?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi all,

Getting UL certifications is a very long process, and since it involves independent laboratories, Victron is often unable to offer any estimate of when a particular component will be approved - particularly in times like these when the entire planet is on staggered shifts at best, and complete shutdowns in many cases.

As always, please keep an eye on Victron's Certificates Page, as that's where you'll find the actual certificates themselves as soon as they're granted, and also of course the Weekly News blog that you can access through your Victron Professional account, as that's where things of this nature will be published first.


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ckhorne avatar image
ckhorne answered ·

Even a current status update would be appreciated...

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gprguy avatar image
gprguy answered ·

Or some guidance on what is attempting to be UL certified with the bigger Quattros? The silence has been deafening, both in the forum and in the weekly news blog.

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hydrogen avatar image hydrogen commented ·
Agreed. This is highly unfortunate and may prompt me to have to use an alternate vendor.
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flyingscot avatar image
flyingscot answered ·

is the Victron Multiplus-II 48V/5000VA inverter charger UL Certified ???

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

As of this date, no, in the MultiPlus-II 48v range so far only the 3kVA has a UL1741 cert. To stay up-to-date, better to keep an eye on the "Certificates" page for your desired product.

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