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philippe asked

Multiplus inverter: how to understand the power values

I try to get my head around the rollercoaster of the AC out. There is no AC load, so inverter is idle. I have tried 2 situations (You can see the change in the graph at midnight)

1) Charger only and 2) Charge and Inverter On.

Case 1) why do I have power on the AC out and why does the AC out fluctuate between 10W and -8w?

Case 2) why do I have a 15W increase on the AC In side and why does I have a permanent charge on the AC out of approx 12W knowing that there is no 220V load and a decrease of approx 5W on the DC load.
The multi is configured with start AES when load lower than 7W, Does it means that in this case it does not goes into AES due to this higher load. Is this his proper consumption?

Case 2bis) when I have feed to the grid (around 10:36), the inverter drops negative.

Main question: how to understand/read/interpret the power of the AC Out and what means the negative values of AC Out.

PS: I did not see those negative values on the VRM.

PPS: I understand that it is micro management, but due to low solar production, auto consumption of the hardware drains a lot and I try to cut out. The spikes is the fridge consumption (60W max), all the rest are the victron devices of the configuration, USB power outlet (idle), 12/12V transformer (idle) and modem.

My installation is as follows:

  • Multiplus Compact 12/800/35
  • SmartSolar MPPT 150/35
  • PV Array with 3 solar panels serial 174W 12V
  • BMV-712
  • VE.BUS Smart dongle
  • Venus GX
  • Orion TR 24-12V 30A (Engine running 24V)
  • and configured with ESS assistent & ignore AC


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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