
natteverf avatar image
natteverf asked

Now that there is a Multiplus 2, will we be expecting a Quattro 2 in the near future?

I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this question.

But here goes:

Now that the Multiplus 2 has been released, and is a bit cheaper than the original, will Victron release a more cost effective Quattro 2 in the near future with similar features, such as the dual AC input relays?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image
ess-and-solar-solutions answered ·

@NatteVerf Just a gentle reminder to familiarise yourself with the form rules. Questions of this nature are not entertained in this forum. For the latest and greatest products and consider following the Victron blog.

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