
matwill avatar image
matwill asked

orion with mttp

If i have a orion dc to dc charger on the start battery charging the house battery and i connect a mppt will the house battery be drained if the mppt is only generating 10amps? does the orion push through the entire 30 amps?

Or do i need to connect the mppt directly to the house bank and only use the orion for alternator charging?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @MatWill

Yes, the Orion will keep going if it's switched on, and attempt to charge the house batts to the settings it's been given.

Typically, a starter battery will be held sacrosanct, and only drawn from to start or to transfer energy when switched in during alternator charge.

I like your second option, but only you can decide what to do as per your needs.

Both the mppt and Orion can charge the house batts together, but you might consider setting the Orion's charge V(s) to just slightly lower than the mppt's Float, so the mppt will have priority, and the Orion only contributing in a bulk charge situation.

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