
Jessesolar avatar image
Jessesolar asked

What’s the maximum capacity in AH (amp hours) battery bank can be connected to a Victron Quattro 48/15000/200 ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


There is usually more concern over minimum requirements of the bank not being met. Such as the c rating of the bank meeting the full load and possibly short term overload needs.

Maximum is usually determined by budget and charging ability, as well as the number of days of autonomous running required.

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Jessesolar avatar image Jessesolar Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Great. That has answered my question.


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1 Answer
ossi avatar image
ossi answered ·

Hi @Jesse

As @Alexandra mentioned already your questions seems really weird, but I will answer anyhow:



If you walk about a big battery Bank (Lead Acid) why not use am BMV, doesnt add much to the costs compared to THIS Battery.

If you talk about a Lithium system with external BMS the Capacity you can connect is unlimited.

Please make sure that you respect leadacid MINIMUM Charging Currents of the battery supplier!!!


1606307862650.png (6.4 KiB)
2 |3000

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