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duclos-laurent asked

Multiplus 2 48/3000 stop with Lifepo4 cells

Hello to all,

Sorry in advance for my description length but I think I need to give all detailed information to have a good answer.

Now my system is composed as fllowing :

- 3600Wc solar panels organized in 3 groups of 4 panels plugged on a micro inverter (3 micro inverter in serie)

- Out from the last micro inverter is going to the electrical board in the swimming pool house (with swimming pool pump, PH equalizer, light)

- The swimming pool house electrical board is wired to the main electrical board in my house

- Multiplus 2 48/3000 installed in my house and wired as folloinf :

-AC In : coming from the grid

- AC Out 1 : going to the main electrical board in my house

- External current sensor probe plugged on grid phase

- BAT : 16 LifePo4 cells 280Ah (EVE cells)

- Battery equalization : Smart BMS

- Battery pack monitoring : BMV-700 (not linked to the Multiplus 2)

Below my wiring diagram, missing the external current sensor probe :


On 12/11/2020, I plugged all the system and link to my house

- Grid on Multiplus AC In

- AC Out 1 wired to the main electrical board in my house

When I switch the load from grid to the Multiplus 2, solar input was about 800W

- Multiplus 2 : AC Out 1 : -384W –> my house consume almost 400W so I think this value is correct

- Battery status : Converting


After less than 10 minutes, the Multiplus 2 stop, restart and stop agin.

Since that I swith the main power from Multiplus 2 to grid and does not touch anything more.

Below the complete Multiplus 2 parameters (Multiplus 2 have been set up for lithium Battery).

Thanks to every body for his help on my issue.










2 |3000

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