
yrys avatar image
yrys asked

Quattro 10000 suddenly blew up

img-20201115-160207.jpgThe damage is concentrated in this area on top of the communication cables. There was a burnt smell and the overload led was on when i checked the unit. What caused this error? We don't have high loads, only a kettle 1800 w was on at the time.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image
ess-and-solar-solutions answered ·

Hi @yrys Without closer inspection it is very difficult to say anything other than these devices are not known to simply "blow up". There often will be good explanations such as wiring or connections that may have deteriorated and failed or even critters that got in there causing short circuits. It will definitely warrant a thorough professional investigation from a Victron expert or similar.

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yrys avatar image
yrys answered ·

The damage is to the wires coming from the transformer and connecting to a board with a bunch of mpx x2 capacitors and a couple of fuses

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ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image ess-and-solar-solutions commented ·

One cannot rule anything out. I have personally not encountered this. A Victron service centre may definitely have more insight.

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