
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany asked

Easy Solar 24/1600/50 Charge Voltage higher than set

Just fitted this unit to my van with 4 victron 106Ah lead carbon batteries wired for 24V. No solar panels yet, so this is the multiplus compact.

Configuration by dipswitches.

Default charge voltage should be 28.8, but is 29.1. (sw3 and 4 both off) Dropping the setting to the preconfigured 28.2 setting (sw3 on, 4 off) gives a charge voltage of 28.8 not 28.2.

These values from BMV712/smart shunt but checked against 2 separate handheld meters at different points in the system. All concur with very minimal difference.

Trouble is this is causing the batteries to bubble away merrily. Even on float the voltage is too high.

Me or a duff unit?

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @kevgermany

Have you considered temperature compensation?

Your Easy should come with that configured by default, and should be used with those batteries.

So you'll rarely see the actual V settings realized exactly. It's normal, and in your case it must be colder than 25 degC..

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks. You're right, I hadn't. It's well under 25, about 10 in the van. Dropped close to freezing last night.

But this implies it's ok for the batteries to sizzle/gas under charge even though they're sealed.... Worries me.

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