
Jonathan Walton avatar image
Jonathan Walton asked

Charging battery bank from pv inverters to keep feed in tariff

Hi Victron Community

We currently have 3 x 15Kva quattro inverters connected to a 50 KWh battery bank and a 24KW wind turbine running ABB grid tied inverters. We have an ESS system set up with a grid meter installed to control the ESS and everything is working great. We also have 20KW of solar on site which is currently not connected due to the limitations of the single phase connection we have to the grid. We are therefore not allowed to connect solar grid tied inverters to the grid in any way. I am aware that the simplest solution to this would be to use mppt charge controllers to allow the solar to charge the battery bank directly and allow the ESS system to control the MPPTs. This option however would cause us to lose the "feed in" from the solar which we would like to keep if at all possible. My question is; could we create a micro grid using 2 more 15 Kva quattros and connect them to the same 48v battery bank as the ESS system, giving us the ability to charge the battery bank from the wind and the solar and also keep the "feed in" from the solar? We would install the frequency shifting assistant on the 2 quattros connected to the solar to allow the solar changing to be controlled. If this isn't possible, could we run 2 separate battery banks for each set of quattros and allow one battery bank to charge the other using a DC to DC charger? I realise this may be over complicating the system but as I said it would be great if we could keep the "feed in " tariff.
Thank you in advance for any replies.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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Have you got a wiring diagram? What you are describing is complex, and easy to get confused without one.

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Jonathan Walton avatar image Jonathan Walton Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Guy

I don’t have a wiring diagram to hand as I have put the system together myself. I will draw up a schematic this evening and let you have it. Many thanks for your reply.


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