
kevp avatar image
kevp asked

Angle of solar panel for camper van

I have a 2S 2P setup on my camper with 4x100w panels and a 110Ah LiFePo4 battery. I use the camper a lot in the winter when yield from the solar is low, especially since the panel are flat on the roof. I am thinking about making adjustable angle brackets for the panels, but i think I can only use them on two without casting a shadow on 3&4. Is this worth it, or will the two horizontal panels pull down the extra available from the two at an angle? If there is a benefit, how would it be best to connect them? i.e. 1 pair in series or one from each parallel set.

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1 Answer
Saff avatar image
Saff answered ·


The more perpendicular you can get the panels to the sun the better. If you are right on the edge of what you need to yield then the little bit extra may be just what you need. I'd say though if you do have the room for a couple of extra PVs then you'll be better off doing that and keeping them all flat.

From my experience and testing, the higher the solar input voltage you can run in poor sun conditions the better - so if your MPPT allows for the voltage, try all the panels in series and see if you can squeeze a bit more out of it. If you can't, then series one of each (flat and angle) then parallel the two sets.

Combine both of these and you will be well on your way to optimising your setup.

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