
ghostrider avatar image
ghostrider asked

Warranty Claim When Amazon Seller Wont Respond?

My MPPT purchased on Amazon is failing and is still under warranty but past the standard return period.

The seller isn't responding to my attempts to contact them using the Amazon tool.

What do I do to resolve my warranty issue?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
daryl avatar image
daryl answered ·

Use this form to contact the dealer that Victron sold the equipment to based on it's serial number:

2 |3000

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ghostrider avatar image ghostrider commented ·

Used that form & this was the response:

Please contact your supplier for first line service and support.

You can also contact a local dealer or service centre and use Where to buy on our website to find one if needed please.

I did some Googling and came up with a phone number for the original seller...called it and it was just a junk call center that answered the phone with the wrong business name but said they were the right seller. Then didn't offer any support...

Called a local retailer who also was not willing to help if I didn't buy from them.

Called a big online retailer & they told me only the original seller can help me.

Sounds like I've unfortunately been ripped off by a shady seller that's left me with a rather expensive paperweight :(

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ewalderasmus avatar image ewalderasmus ghostrider commented ·

Have you tried contacting any of the Victron staff on the forum? I'm sure they will be able to trace who is the main supplier which will help you...

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

hey @Ghostrider, the "contact your supplier for first line of support; and/or contact another local dealer" is indeed our normal first response.

If that hasn't worked out, please just reply to that email from one of our colleagues, and say you did, and that unfortunately it didn't work out. Please make sure to include the serial number, name of seller as listed on amazon, phone number, but also name of local dealer who refused to help you.

Thanks; and I'm sorry that sofar its a bit of a challenge to get this sorted.


Ps. I looked up your initial request through our Support request form, and please note there is probably a typo in the serial number you provided, its one digit too long. It should be HQyywwzzzz, two digits for year, two digits for ww, and 5 characters random. Not six.

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mirek-kovalski avatar image mirek-kovalski mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I'm in the same boat.

Bought mppt 250/85 in feb 2020

PN: SCC125085210


Seller on amazon was BrandCentric, they claim that Victron Energy is their "brand partner" have your logo on their web site and claim to substantially increase your sales.

Unit stopped working and it has short on the PV input side.

i send support warranty request via amazon-no response.

send support request with victron using last week-no response.

Now i have $900.00 paper weight.

there are no dealers near me, California zip code 93035.

please advise how can i proceed?

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ mirek-kovalski commented ·

Hi @Mirek Kovalski

I've sent you an email.

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emnj1117 avatar image emnj1117 Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Daniel, I as well am now in the same boat, but with a multi-plus. It was working fine for a month, but now will only go directly to inverter with no charging of the batteries. Will you also send me an email to how to either correct the problem or return?

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gprado avatar image gprado mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hey guys,

I'm concerned. I just bought a Multiplus inverter and an charge controller from Brandcentric at should I return the products or will Victron honor the warranty if Brandcentric doesn't want to? I just need a simple answer if Victron will help me in case I need. Also, how do these vendors get your product without a relationship with you?

Thanks in advance!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ gprado commented ·

Yes it will be supported. Eventually once it has been have worked out where the unit came from.

Just a word of caution, just because someone says they are partnered does not mean they are. We have loads of "victron agents" where we are but only 2 official ones.

You can check the where to buy page. If they have an official partership they will be listed there.

There is a piece on the support page that mentions all sellers are supported up the chain by a distributor. So the item you have bought can be tracked to its origions. And then the support can come from there.

Victron do not provide end user support.

But in all honesty faster support comes from not having too many middle men in the mix.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Let's qualify Victron do not provide end user support...

It is provided through the authorized dealers, distributors. But not ddirectly. And as you say, too many middle men...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Yes thanks kevin. Not directly providing end user support, they have people on the ground who they have qualified to provide the support.
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