
marshcroft avatar image
marshcroft asked

Quattro all LED on continuous

Three phase Quattro 48v 10kVA system. L2 phase failed - symptom is ALL front panel LEDs on solid (not flashing). L1 & L3 phases as expected showing absent phase LED combination.

Looks like microcontroller not leaving reset on power up.

Attempted firmware re flash allows location of com port but will not allow communication.

Current firmware 1953143.

Any thoughts appreciated.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

1. Can you connect to the unit with the ve Config program and check its settings

2. or maybe reset the unit to stand alone mode and then see if the unit works correctly if not download the victron toolkit and check the led sequences for a known fault

3. Also make sure that all units are using the same firmware version, I presume this would be the case otherwise it would not be working in the first place ( before failure)

4. otherwise I would take the unit to a victron agent for testing, or get you local victron agent to site to check the system out

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