
duclos-laurent avatar image
duclos-laurent asked

Multiplus 2 - Lifepo4 cells - Test

Hello to all,

I have finalized my Multiplus 2 48/3000 installation by wiring BMS + 16 Lifepo4 cells batery + BMV700 monitoring system.

For the moment this system is not linked to my house electrical system.

Before connecting this system to my house electrical system, I would like to make a test to verify the Multiplus 2 loading parameters and good loading function.

Do you think I can make a test with :

- no AC in, plugged batery and AC Out 1 wired to an electrical plug with load on it

Thanks for your answers

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2 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

Do NOT connect the AC-Out to any existing live AC wires of you house. -> Just use AC-OUT for Load testing.


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duclos-laurent avatar image
duclos-laurent answered ·

@stxshadow thanks for your answer, that is what I plan to do for test, no AC in, AC out 1 wired directly to a plug (not linked to my house electrical système), an electrical heater plugged on the plug to simulate the load and battery plugged on Bat input

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