
freesurfer avatar image
freesurfer asked

How much "abusive loads" can the Multiplus II 48/3000/35-32 take?

I watched the video about overloads on the multiplus II, and understand that it is very flexible with short term overloads and can handle 5550W for up to 2 mins, as well as attempt to power something for 30 cycles with huge inrush where it can't maintain its output voltage.

That's fine. And I am not worried about overloads by ordinary loads which give the inverter nice time to decide when to switch off. But the one thing that I have always feared, is starting a powerful power tool like a circular table saw with an inductive motor and no soft start, and if it can ruin the inverter. When the thing needs to start up from a peaceful idle output to a sudden huge spike, with a motor that can also draw a choppy current and introduce high voltage transients/spikes that can cause the FETs to arc, I am worried that it will blow up before the protection mechanisms can kick in. Many cheap inverters don't withstand the test and blow the FETs. Now I have a lot more confidence in a multiplus which also has an output transformer to add some kind of impedance between the FETs and the output which many cheaper inverters don't. But can I be confident that the multiplus should protect itself in most cases with "abusive loads"?

Not counting in any intentional attempt at destroying it, of course.

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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I am confident to run any kind of load on the MultiPlus at least once to try.

There are indeed some loads that do stress the internal components of the inverter, such as those that chop the sine wave in half to reduce power output. These are very obvious when running because the inverter will make all sorts of unusual noises (and usually still run the load).

The inverter is designed to be used, and to provide its rated output. Victron does not exaggerate our specifications, we expect the equipment to reliably perform as rated.

If you are REGULARLY running these 'abusive' loads (high induction, high surge and spiky loads) I would consider increasing the size of the inverter beyond what you might normally need as a minimum. So that there is less stress on it (due to more capacitance, larger FETS with increased tolerances, etc). But occasional use should be fine.

Make sure your batteries are also sized appropriately, and connected with nice thick quality cables, making excellent contact, so that they are providing as stable a voltage as possible. This will also reduce stress on the inverter.

To also help ease your mind, and of course it is not ever recommended to try, but the unit will survive a short circuit on the output, and that is a very sudden and stressful load indeed!

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info7060 avatar image info7060 commented ·
Does that mean that regular spike increase of output from 300W to 2300W (non-reactance, simple resistive load like heater...) is not a problem?

I am scared to use Mutliplus connected to grid for charging at the same as using this sharply turned-on and turned-off devices in case it would leak power back to grid during turn-off as it is a big no no in my country.

Thanks for the answer of this two issues.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

I don't think you need be concerned. Our Multi II GX 5k supplies the whole house with all sorts of resistive heating loads going on and off at random times (cooker, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer) and I do not see any spikes on the grid side that are worrying.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

They do what they say on the tin. You also need to consider temperature in the equation. In warmer ambient conditions and sustainable higher loads, they will derate. Its never a great idea to rely on the transient abilities nor to run at rated capacity for sustained periods.

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