
jai-armstrong avatar image
jai-armstrong asked

How to properly wire up BMV-712 to dual battery system

Hello I’ve just recently purchased the BMV-712 for my dual battery system in my 4wd. When connecting up to the shunt do I connect the main battery to the battery terminal side and the 2nd battery and loads up to the load side. I want to able to read what is getting drawn and put back in to the second battery only but also keeping an eye on the state of charge of the main battery. Also do I have to still ground the shunt to the chassis off the load side as well? I have the diagram but it’s a bit confusing

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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Yes that is correct. The shunt will measure amps into and out of the second battery, while measuring the voltage of the main and secondary battery.

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jai-armstrong avatar image jai-armstrong commented ·

Sweet thank you, do I still need to ground the shunt to the chassis?

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