
anadal avatar image
anadal asked

Inverter/charger 12/2000/80 not charging

  1. I have a Multiplus 12-2000-80 inverter charger.
    When generator is on, i can use the inverter but can’t turn on the charger.
    - i used to turn on Generator , Turn on inverter to help start AC , then switch back to “charger only”. Now as soon as i switch to charger only, power does not come in anymore from generator. , if i go back to switching to inverter , power comes back on from Generator.
    It worked for about 6 months .

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Check the fuses between the Multi and the battery. The 2000VA Multi also has a internal fuse.

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mbohrson avatar image mbohrson commented ·

I am having this same issue, fuses are okay, where is the internal fuse located?

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