
paulmarinas avatar image
paulmarinas asked

3 x Quattro 48/10000 grid feed in


i have a setup with 3 x Quattro 48x1000 with SMA Sunny Boy's connected on AC Out, is there a way to stop the feed into the grid and / or disconnect the Grid in case there is no need for additional power?. Ive moved our of SMA Sunny Island which was doing exactly this and avoided any grid feed in, it only connected grid when it needed additional power.

thank you


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

You can use the general flag with a generator start stop for load or battery based connection. It will basically switch off the connection to the grid and treat it as a back up source of power.

This is intentional islanding not compatible with ess, ot sure if that is what you are looking for.

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