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sumit asked

VE.Net Battery Controller (VBC) 12/24/48Vdc inside the Skylla TG 24/50 GMDSS charger is getting short while connecting with GMDSS panel.

We got a complaint from the vessel that GMDSS panel was not working. So we replaced it with GMDSS Panel and new battery controller. They bought the charger for our office and the panel was working and the display was ON. The customer took back the charger and installed in the vessel again the panel wasn't working so they purchased a new SKYLLA TG24/50 GMDSS charger from us but the GMDSS Panel was still not ON. They bought back the charger to us and we changed the controller and put a new GMDSS panel display for testing. We found out the short circuit in the battery controller.

We rechecked the wiring before all the connections.

what could be the reason for that?

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