
lifestyle-energy avatar image
lifestyle-energy asked

Multiplus II Soft Switch

I am busy with an installation of a 24v Multiplus II as a backup unit. I have connected the input power from the DB and the Output 1 to the Light Circuits when the Power fails.

With the physical switch in Charge Only mode, the batteries are being charged and there is power supplied on Output 1.

However when the inverter is Switched to Inverter mode the Inverter front panel switches off and the output on Output 1 is cut.

When the physical switch is in the inverter position, I am not able to connect to the inverter using an M3K and Victron Connect. However with the physical switch in the Charge Only position, I am able to connect to the Inverter and see the status and settings.

In the Status screen the soft switch is set in the Charge Only mode, by selecting the Soft Switch I change the setting to the On position and select OK.

However when the Physical Switch is then switched to the Inverter Mode the inverter switches off and I can not connect to the inverter.

I also checked when the Physical Switch is in the Charge Only position and I connect to the Inverter and change the Soft Switch to the On position then select OK and close the Victron Connect application, I then open the Victron Connect application and reconnect to the Inverter and the status Screen then indicates that the Soft Switch has reverted to Charger Only mode.

How does one correct this problem? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Lifestyle Energy

what exactly do you mean by 'inverter' position? there is markings 'I' and 'II', witch one do you use?

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lifestyle-energy avatar image lifestyle-energy commented ·

Hi Daniel, the Physical Switch Inverter position is 'I' and Charge Only position is 'II'

So in position 'II' I can connect to the inverter and see the Status and access the Settings. In the position 'I' I can not connect to the inverter and there is no output on Output 1 even though there is grid power connected, and I can not connect to the inverter.

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lifestyle-energy avatar image
lifestyle-energy answered ·

I removed the unit and took it into the Distributor for them to check it, and the feedback I got after them having it for three days was that they connected it up and everything is working fine, and they could not find a problem with the unit. The only feedback was that one needs to disconnect the Color Control cable, which was not connected in the first place as there is no color control for the unit. I took the unit back and re installed it and it is working perfectly.

So I am not sure what the problem was but perhaps the trip back to the Distributor corrected the problem. My personal view is that the hard switch was faulty, when the physical switch was in position II, I could connect to the unit with the MK3 and Victron Connect and when the physical switch was in the position I then I could not connect to the unit.

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