
diamond avatar image
diamond asked

Establishing Network Control of an MPPT

I’ve a problem with an off-grid system I’ve recently installed using a 48/3000 EasySolar II.
The firmware on everything has been updated and programmed to suit the PowerPlus Lithium batteries (which mimic Lead acid – no comms cable)
Checking it out online through VRM I can see all the equipment, however the MPPT shows as connected, but not networked – meaning it is operating as standalone, NOT being controlled by the Multi / GX.
Any ideas on how to establish that connection? Obviously the cable is in place or I couldn’t see it, but the fields are not selectable / changeable.
I’ve rebooted the GX remotely.
Suggestions gratefully accepted.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Diamond,

If the battery is not managed (the PowerPlus is not), then it is not essential that the MPPT is network controlled. It should be fine to use the recommended charge settings given by the battery manufacturer.

However, to answer the question it is possible by enabling the DVCC feature on the GX device.

Please read this specific section of the manual to understand this feature (and the other implications). If you have any further questions after reading that, I'd love to hear them.

2 |3000

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diamond avatar image diamond commented ·

Hey Guy,
Thanks for the advice.
I've done that and the MPPT is now networked.
Taking a step back, the root of the problem is that the MPPT is going to float based on the voltage when the batteries are showing only ~60% on VRM / Remote console.

I'd presumed the problem was caused by the networking issue because it's that way on my system and others that I've done.
The advice from DPA and my Victron distributor is that it's potentially a calibration issue so now I've asked the customer to turn off the array to discharge the batteries, before restarting to see if that improves or fixes the situation.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ diamond commented ·

Check the product manual for their sections on how they resync SOC to 100%. For the EasySolar-II this section is relevant.

If you've understood those, and the state of charge is still not calibrating properly, search the community there are lot of other examples and solutions.

Lastly, if it STILL persists, you should then ask in another question.

Turning off the array will not help, the sync occurs at 100% (i.e fully charged), so you need to get those settings and the conditions right to match.

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