
texascharlie avatar image
texascharlie asked

ANL fuse prices / quality

Is there a difference in quality between various makers of ANL fuses? I see single 150A fuse prices ranging from $5 to $25. Does brand matter or are they all the same? (Other than some being ignition protected, some not.)

Also, the Multiplus manual recommends 2x pos and neg cable connection. Should each positive cable be fused for 50% of total current expected?

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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @TexasCharlie

Yes, ANL fuses can be quite expensive, but mostly 'Mega' fuses are used.

price of fuses greatly depends on the rated voltage, for 24V systems the Mega fuses are very affordable, for 48V systems they are expensive. Make sure to get good quality fuses in the correct current and voltage rating.

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