
Warren Parkinson avatar image
Warren Parkinson asked

Connect the Load or not connect the load ?

I have a split charge system using a charge and protect replay and all works well from my alternator, but if im parked up for a day i need to start my van to charge my leisure battery so i have installed a 160 watt solar panel and i am planning to use smartsolar MPPT 75/15 controller to charge my battery. At the moment all the loads are from a fuse box connected to my split charge relay, should i just ignore the load terminals on my MPPT 75/15 ?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You can ignore the Load terminals on the MPPT and keep your loads connected how they are.
The Load terminals offer the advantage of remote on / off switching from the app and it measures the load current and counts the energy going out. If you don't require these features then simply leave the Load terminals unconnected.

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