
ejm avatar image
ejm asked

breaker to protect the inverter

I have a 48/5000 Quattro and have the AC output to a circuit breaker panel. I currently have it wired to a 100 amp breaker. I know that's way overkill, but I figured if i ever upgrade I would have a the # 2 wire already in place and wouldn't have to rewire it. The question I have is when I did this i didnt thhink about protecting the inverter. Should I change the breaker, so it would trip before the inverter was overloaded? I see it works in tandem with a generator, so that was another reason why I have it to a big breaker so if i need the extra power it would not trip. Please help and let me know if i should change the breaker to protect the inveter and what size would breaker would protect it from damage

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The breakers are primarily to protect the wires. They should be sized according to wire size (and both recommended fuse size and wire size are stated in the product manuals).

2 |3000

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ejm avatar image ejm commented ·

The wire is the correct size and will not burn at 100 amps. The question I have is could I damage the Quattro if for some reason i am way over the 5000 running watts it is rated for.. If it will cause damage at 10000 watts i could set a breaker to trip at 9000 watts, so that breaker would protect it. Or does it not matter and it will push as much as it could with no damage?

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There is a maximum current rating to the AC internal transfer switch that connects AC input to AC output for each Multi/Quattro, so the incoming AC breaker should be rated to the same or less.

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ejm avatar image
ejm answered ·

Then the breaker would trip when I am using it in tandem with a generator for extra power.

What is the maximum watts, so I could put the correct breaker?

2 |3000

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I am not sure what you mean, could you post a wiring diagram?

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ejm avatar image ejm Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

I dont have a diagram, but its the ac out to a circuit breaker box. I just need to know what the max watts the quattro could provide. or does it not matter and it will just push as much as it could and it would not damage the quattro.

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If you are only talking about the breaker size on the AC output side, then the only consideration is the wire size.

The inverter will overload and shut itself down before damaging itself.

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ejm avatar image ejm Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Ok, thank you. That was my worry. Happy to hear it has a built in saftey feature.

Do you know how many watts it would take to shut it down?

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