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Simo Hassi asked

EasySolar remote on-off with BMS and LiFePO4 batteries

Hi All,

I'm installing a system with LiFePO4 Smart battery bank, VE.Bus BMS and EasySolar 48/5000 (i.e. MultiPlus combined with MPPT 150/100 and ColorControlGX).

It would be very useful if the MultiPlus could be remotely switched to "charger only" position. From manuals I have learned that remote control in MultiPlus cannot be used when there are LiFePO4 batteries, VE.Bus BMS and CCGX.

Could it be done by adding a Digital Multi Control panel and connecting a remote switch to its transfer switch connection? How shoud the DMC be then configured?

Simo Hassi

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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