
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

BMV-712 and Time to Go reading on the Bluetooth App

How is the Time to Go (TTG) calculated

I have found that when the capacity is set to 200 A/H and I am drawing 20 amps I am seeing TTG as 5 hrs

What I have found so Far

The relay option has a SOC setting that is set at 50% and this setting seem to affect the TTG displayed. This seems a bit confusing as I dont use the relay option

The Alarm setting SOC does not seem to affect the TTG

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

You should be able to update it from the SOC relay (discharge floor) setting on the BMV or by using the Victron Connect app, under settings > relay > low SOC relay.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi; yes the discharge floor; which also affects the relay; is what the ttg counts down to.

Advantage is that you can configure till what point you want to discharge your battery.

Also if you do not use the relay.

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mmosberg avatar image mmosberg commented ·

mvader, I have 200 ah of lithium capacity connected to my BMV 712. Time to go is calculated to 50% SOC. How do I change the floor to 100%?

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Steve Mitchell avatar image Steve Mitchell mmosberg commented ·

I have this same issue with a 600ah LiFePO4 bank - TTG is always 50% of my actual battery capacity, and then drops to 0% once I get below 50% SOC. Is there a way to adjust this on the BMV?

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Trevin Corkery avatar image Trevin Corkery Steve Mitchell commented ·

TTG is based off of the "Low SOC relay" which is set to 50% by default I think.

If you have Bluetooth you can go into the VictronConnect app, tap the cogwheel at the top right, tap into "Relay", tap "Low SOC Relay" and set "Set Value" to 0%.

The TTG will now give you the time for when your battery is completely drained instead of 50% as set before.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron BMV battery monitors product page