
Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin asked

Bluesolar 150/85 MC4 - Rev 2 firmware? SCC010085300

I picked up 4 used MPPT's at a very reasonable price. I did this with a view to replacing my existing outbacks and swapping to Pylontechs when the present Lead acids are done.

From what I can establish they are REV 2 hardware, and I should use REV 2 firmware.

However, I can't find the associated REV2 firmware for a Bluesolar 150/85 VE direct device.

I also don't find it as a dummy option in Ve.connect.

I'd like to upgrade the firmware before installation.

This model isn't an abandoned prototype, is it?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

There seems to only be "revision 2 hardware" versions of the Bluesolar 150/85 manufactured.

There is only 1 firmware available via Victron Connect.


Victron Connect Firmware update instructions.

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Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

Thanks, I did see this, but not being labelled Rev2 as stated, compounded by being a model unavailable in VE connect led me to my query,

I haven't got a full system available to me now, I suppose I may as well just power things up with a DC PSU and see if I can do the upgrade via a Bluetooth dongle.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

VictronConnect selects the correct firmware automatically.
Just connect, hit update, wait and done.

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Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

Thanks, everyone, I feel reassured.

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