
flowing-hands avatar image
flowing-hands asked

Bmv 700 only shows neg output and doesn't show any input from solar panels

I recently changed my charge controller, it had developed fault and was replaced under warranty. So everything was the same. Installed charge controller, but monitor is not showing any input from the panels?

BMV Battery Monitor
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3 Answers
flowing-hands avatar image
flowing-hands answered ·

sorted, it's been off for a while waiting new cc, forgot to connect the neg to the loads side of the shunt. Thanks so much, had me worried the array had blown!

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yannick avatar image
yannick answered ·

Are you sure the solar charge controller is connected to the right side of the shunt?

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flowing-hands avatar image
flowing-hands answered ·

No I connected the neg of the cc directly to the battery! I thnk I should have put the neg on the battery side of the shunt? It's been off for a while, so might have made a mistake?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, you made a mistake. The one and only connection to the battery negative post should be the battery - terminal of the shunt. All loads and chargers should go to the opposite shunt terminal.

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