
pearcep avatar image
pearcep asked

MultiPlus 2 GX Buzzing

MultiPlus 2 GX, 8 months old, buzzing when inverter on, supplying AC loads or bulk Pylontech charge. This is loud, wakes me up! Is this normal? Surely not.



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pearcep avatar image pearcep commented ·

Bulk buzz is 229Hz @ -47dB

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@pearcep The multi emits a noticeable "humming" sound which indeed varies depending on loads and charging. At night it is more obvious given the nature of sound. If you sleep near to it, it certainly can take some getting use to. I live in a townhouse and mine system can be heard two floor up.

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waburger avatar image
waburger answered ·

Mine also buzzes loudly (Multiplus II 8kVA) at about 60Hz under certain conditions, especially charging the batteries. From your post I can see it's normal. Might have to install some rubber insulation behind it to isolate it from the wall.

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