
actpiet avatar image
actpiet asked

BMV 600s displays 83Volts on a 12V battery

I have

factory reset to no avail. I have set all the individual parameter manually to no avail. Disconnected the BMV - no change. Connected to a new shunt no change. Connected to new battery - no change.

It just continues to display system voltage in the high 70s to low 80s. I have replaced with a newer model 712, but would like to know what the likely cause of this malfunction is to ensure that I don't suffer this failure again.


BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
demiguelrodrigo avatar image
demiguelrodrigo answered ·

I have. Similar problem in a 600S. It reads 77 volts on a 12 volt battery bank.

Did you manage to solve the problem?


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