
kc-au avatar image
kc-au asked

Single Phase - Dual MultiPlus - dual battery banks

I have received 2 battery banks. 48V (both), one is 200AH, the other is 280AH. Different brands.

My initial intention was to have 2x MutliPlus, one on each bank, and the MP on a single phase.

Reading the install guide, i read that 2xMP on single phase must be on the same battery bank.

I didnt want the batteries in parrallel as they are different capacities and different brands and will lead to a heap of issues.

Am i reading the dual MP's must be on a single battery bank correctly? I was hoping the MP's could parralell together to double the output, but each manage their own respective battery bank.

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2 Answers
solardude avatar image
solardude answered ·

Can it be done? Sort of. Is it advisable? No.

When configured in parallel or split phase, both inverters need to share a battery bank. You WILL have problems on different banks.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

... also, not installing it in line with the manufacturer's instructions will invalidate warranties as well support will not be available.

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No!! it cannot be done on parallel or multiphase systems!!!!

the 'master' Multi controls the charging / discharging, and connecting both to different batteries will cause havoc, might destroy inverters / batteries, etc.

Please read:

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marekp avatar image marekp Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

What will happen, if one would connect each mutiplus with is own battery to separate AC circuits at home?

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ marekp commented ·

Hi @MarekP

That is of course no problem, being two independent systems.

but don't try to parallel them, they need to be independent.

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kc-au avatar image
kc-au answered ·

you say sort of... can you expand on that? Are you talking battery combiners and isolators?

1 comment
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Sorry @kc_au

it cannot be done, you'll have to configure two different systems with two separate battery banks.

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