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brian894x4 asked

Brand new BVM-702 lights up, but No voltage or current

Just installed a BMV702 in by vehicle to monitor the auxiliary battery. Before tucking all the wires away I hooked everything up and tested it and worked fine. Show voltage, showed current, everything seemed to be accurate. After routing all the wires, and rehooking up everything, the voltage is now always 0.00 or 0.01 no matter what I do. It occasionally shows a phantom amp use that fluctuates around 5.7 amps, but will go back to zero when I zero point calibrate it. It will not show any accurate usage of amps or anything else. I've reset it numberous times, checked all the settings and of course I've been over the wiring a million times, over a period of hours. I can't find anything wrong. It clearly has power or the display wouldn't light up. So I can't see why it can't at least read voltage. I assume it must be a defect in the gauge or UTP cable. Any ideas?

BMV Battery Monitor
2 |3000

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