
valleyokie avatar image
valleyokie asked

Direct connection Smartsolar to battery

Im planning my circuit and looking for confirmation:

I have the following:

MULTIPLUS 5000/48/70




I see a common circuit is to position positive and negative bussbars between the battery and inverter and connect MPPT charger to those, or sometimes a shunt on the negative when a battery monitor is used.

Im not using a battery monitor as the Cerbo has this feature when connected CANbus on the Bluenova battery.- correct?

Can I just connect the cables to the inverter and the cables to the MPPT directly to the battery terminals.I understand that a bussbar may be useful at a later stage to connect other devices but I just want to get the system up and running at the moment.

Is protection (fuse) recommended between MPPT and the battery ( I have breakers and surge protectors in the combiner box between the panels and the MPPT.)

Please feel free to offer recomendations, Im a newbie.


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The Blue Novas have a built in fuse so there is no need to add more protection between the battery and anything. They have a built in accurate battery monitor and they talk to the GX devices.

You can connect the mppt to the battery terminals directly in the multiplus like Victron do in their Easy Solar package.

Definitely add DC breakers before the mppt from the solar side though so you can disconnect the panels before breaking the connection to the battery.

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