
andrew-fjeldsted avatar image
andrew-fjeldsted asked

Possible AC bypass for Multiplus 3000

Is there an AC bypass enclosure or kit that fits with the Multiplus 3000 to allow an easy bypass of the entire system in case of a major failure. I have seen other brands that have a set of breakers with a mechanical interlock that can feed the AC output from the inverter or feed the AC directly through to the service panel bypassing the solar system all together. If there is such a thing what would the part number be so I can source this part?

Thank you,

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·


You don't mention the particulars of your setup, so I may be off base with this reply. I am thinking that a manual transfer switch, with two inputs and one output, might be a simple solution. One such item is here:

I'm not endorsing that one, just using it as an example. You can get them in a housing as well. Feed the output of the Multi to one input side, the auxiliary power source to the other input side, and the output to your load panel. If the Multi fails, switch over and you're powered again.

It's smart to think of it the way you are, and prepare for all possibilities.

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dolis avatar image dolis commented ·

That´s true, but is there an option to do it without ac lost for the outputs? Because transfer switch has some minimal delay. So i thinking about way like: tell the system to get into passthrough mode and after that use bypass switch type 1-2 (without 1-0-2 mode) and after you do that properly, the system will go from standard mode to the service mode without any loss. Do you think is there some way to tell the multiplus (or quattro) to go to the passthrough mode (useful for that could be some contact athe transfer switch and using a programmable relay). Thaks for your reply. Thomas

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