
Ian avatar image
Ian asked

BMV600 serial output

Good morning,

My sailboat has a REC-BMS and I've built an RS485/ interface unit that emulates a BMV602 so I can show the BMS measured current, voltage SOC on VRM and generate high/low voltages alarms at cell level rather than battery level however, Victron's very good 'BMV-60xS Text Protocol' document does not actually give an example of the serial output to ensure my format is 100% correct. Of many things, I am struggling with how the CRC is inserted and its format. I do own a BMV602 and two BMV712's but they are on my sailboat 370-miles away which is not so handy.

Be grateful if Victron or anybody else has captured this serial output would be prepared to share it.

Many thanks,



BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @SV-Gabrielle

I've moved your question to the 'modifications' section.

you have an REC you have one without CANbus? because REC has victron compatible bms's

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Ian avatar image
Ian answered ·

Hi Daniël,
I struggle for REC-BMS CANbus information, its functions and interaction with Victron products whereas their RS485 protocol is published. I took your advice of connecting to CANbus; now have RPi3, CAN-HAT and V2.6 beta uploading to VRM as 'SV-Gabrielle 2' which is fantastic! I understood the REC-BMS controls MultiPlus charging but had not expected it to appear as a battery monitor device which is what I was trying to achieve with my homemade RS485 to VE-direct converter. Brilliant and many thanks.

I am seeing some new CANbus packets not generated by the REC-BMS with addresses as follows:-

I assume these are Victron generated packets. Is the protocol/format for these published?

Many thanks.

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