
don-b avatar image
don-b asked

BMV-712 percentage issue

Charger (Multiplus Compact) on float for 8 hours. BMV-712 head unit reporting 99.6% and Bluetooth reporting 100%. 1) Why the difference? 2) After 8 hours on float, and the head unit had reported 100% the night before, why did it go down to 99.6%? [Latest version of VictronConnect]

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
harold avatar image
harold answered ·

1) because the App, rounds, so no digits behind the ,

2) In Float and Storage phase the algoritme keeps almost 0A, and gradually adjusts

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don-b avatar image
don-b answered ·

Thanks Harold! But when in Float, there's a constant 13.6v on the battery, so why would the SOC drop from the sync'd 100% to, for example, 99.6%? My guess: The lithium battery's BMS was doing some cell balancing after it reached 100%, and this caused some draw that lowered the SOC percentage a tad?

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