
gman avatar image
gman asked

BMV Monitor setup

Hello I have 3KVa axpert inverter, with 2 x 240ah AGM omnipower batteries connected in series

I want to confirm if my BMV is connected correctly also if the settings is correct, please see attached screenshots

BMV Battery Monitor
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4 Answers
harold avatar image
harold answered ยท

I think your charge voltage should be 27,3V (your system is 24V)

Personally I set the tailcurrent to 2%

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gman avatar image
gman answered ยท

Hello @Harold thank you. And the battery size is fine?

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harold avatar image harold commented ยท

Yes 2x12V serie will be 24V, but 240Ah stays 240Ah

(In paralel it would have been 12V 480Ah)

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ray-mont avatar image
ray-mont answered ยท

@Gman which bmv do you have 702?

on the top Picture it looks ok .

But on de bottom picture there are 2 extra minus wires and 1 Extra plus

are you drawing also 12v from the same batteries?
If so that is not good/correct way

in this case the information given by the bmv is partialy correct(only the data from the rct)
beside that it will cause an inbalance on the batteryโ€™s

can you provide a drawing how and what is connected?

Please have a look at the below pdf


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gman avatar image
gman answered ยท

@Ray_mont Thank you, yes its connected like the diagram you given the exstra cables is a battery blanacer that i have installed recently will upload picture of that

My system is a 24v so my setting must be wrong on the BMV. I have the 712 with midpoint monitoring cables

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ray-mont avatar image ray-mont commented ยท


great then it is only to set the bmv up for a 24v system


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