
shorty avatar image
shorty asked

Setting 'bulk' charge voltage in Victron Connect for MPPT Smart 100/30

I have been using the demo mode on the Victron Connect app to look at the MPPT Smart 100/30.

The online Victron guide shows a 'bulk' voltage setting.

However, the only setting I can see for charging stages, even under custom battery are absorption and float. I cannot see the bulk stage.

Is this just because I am running a demo of the app and this option is missing from the demo?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

I looked at my 250/100-Tr and saw the same thing you are seeing. If you enable expert mode, there is a bulk offset there, but nothing to set a specific bulk charge rate or voltage. I know the unit senses battery voltage on first start, and may set bulk charge from that. On my Multiplus 24/3000-70 bulk charging is set up in a Victron Configure, as it isn’t Bluetooth. I am just setting up my system, so I haven’t gone far into the SCC yet.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Bulk voltage = Absorption voltage.

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