
gyrogypsy avatar image
gyrogypsy asked

Multiplus Voltage Reading under high load

I am trying to run a new Li-ion battery capacity test in RV. V-sense lines are connected to my MP 24/3000/70. With a 57A load (RV air conditioning), both the CCGX and BMV712 show 24,0V when there is 23.7 seen across the V-sense connections. The MP battery connection terminals show 22.3V, and 22.7V is seen where these 2 ft each AWG 1/0 wires connect to my 24V distribution buss bars.

Q1) Why do the MP/CCGX and BMV712 show 24V when the actual (V-sense) battery voltage is less?

I have DC shutdown programmed at 18.6V w/ pre-alarm at 19.0V. The DC low restart would not go below 20.6V -

Q2) why is this?

The MP shut down with low voltage alert, and the voltage displayed was still 24V. The bus voltage was 20.9V and that was seen in all locations as no current was being drawn. I have no way to see what were the values at the time of shutdown as I have no recording voltmeters. After the shut-down, I could only get the MP to run in Charger Only Mode.

Q3) Are there other MP programming options that may affect this test?

Q4) Is there any way I can see what was the voltage/SOC at the time of shut down?

Just FYI, my separate BMS panel also displays a lower voltage (22.5V) than seen at the V-sense lines. I have queried the manufacturer (Electrodacus) about this phenomena as the BMS is only connected to internal cells, and thus should be displaying a higher voltage than seen at the battery terminals.

Thank you in advance.

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1 Answer
gyrogypsy avatar image
gyrogypsy answered ·

Does anybody from Victron read these questions? Still looking for answers.

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