
southace avatar image
southace asked

Where is the BMV712 VictronConnect app manual? My BMV isn't counting cycles.

Where can I find a manual or video explaining how the app works?

I have a number of issues which can't resolve.

One issue is my min and max battery voltage has not changed since I installed the unit months ago?

Never see a average use?

Never see Charge cycles?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท

Hi @Southace,

Have you watched through these movies here?

The BMV-712 product manual itself is here, most of the functional features shown in the app are described in the manual, search for key words - e.g cycle and sync to read more.

The VictronConnect manual is here - though you won't find that much specific to your question about the BMV in it.

What I can see

It looks like your battery is never reaching the 'cycle threshold'. The BMV counts a charge cycle as every time the state-of-charge drops below 65 %, then rises above 90 %.

It also looks like your battery is not synchronising. It could be that battery never reaches the fully charged state. The other more likely possibility is that the charged voltage setting should be lowered and/or the tail current setting should be increased.

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southace avatar image southace commented ยท

Thanks , at 60% I would be under 12 volts. I try not to lower my battery's less than 80% which is about 12.4 volt. AGM battery'.

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Another option/work around if you want to use those features would be to reduce your programmed battery capacity from the 'total' to what you would consider 'usable'.

So if you don't want to cycle your batteries hard (over 65%), then set the capacity from say 500 Ah to 250 Ah.

This will give you a more usable range of the battery monitor state of charge reading, and leave the less usable part of your battery (below 50%) in reserve.

You will then also begin to trigger the cycle counter.

You will still need to make another adjustment to get the synchronisation working properly though.

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southace avatar image southace Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท

Thanks I have already done that. So I need to hit 14.1 to hit the synchronised function again? It is saying 4 hours since last full charge but I suspect that's when the mppt turned off when the sun went down?

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