
msmolow avatar image
msmolow asked

SmartShunt Positive Connection

Must the SmartShunt positive wire be connected directly to the battery post or can it be connected to a positive buss bar 12 inches from the battery?


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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It must be direct to the battery post.

Otherwise the voltage drop that occurs over the cable from battery post to bus bar will decrease its accuracy. You might not think that is is much, but that same cable from battery lug to bus bar is also going to be carrying the charge and load from inverter and MPPT.

The exact situation we are trying to solve by having the smart battery sense.

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msmolow avatar image
msmolow answered ·

Thanks. I currently have a Multiplus, SmartShunt, SmartSolar MPPT, Orion Isolated Smart dc-dc Charger, and Smart Battery Sense. My Cerbo GX arrives tomorrow. My understanding is once they are connected to the Cerbo (except the dc-dc charger) I can remove the Smart Battery Sense because the Cerbo uses the Multiplus temperature sensor.

Is that correct?

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Yes, you are correct.

Once there is a SmartShunt, there is then a new and seperate voltage sense wires and temperature sense probe that will be connected Cerbo GX and the battery terminals.

Without the SmartShunt, it would also be possible to use the temperature and voltage probes of the MultiPlus.

Once the SmartShunt/MultiPlus, and all other accessories are connected to the Cerbo GX, and DVCC is enabled, then that accurate battery voltage and temperature information will be sent to the other Victron components that support it.

The exception to that would be if you have managed lithium batteries that are reporting their internal voltage and temperature to the Cerbo GX instead, then the MultiPlus voltage and temp sense connections are not necessary.

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roachmon avatar image
roachmon answered ·

If using a Lynx Distributor to wire 4 batteries in parallel, should I connect the positive from the smart shunt to the positive terminal coming out of the Lynx? or to an individual battery?


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