
rockatron avatar image
rockatron asked

MULTIPLUS Temp Sensor - how to view the current temperature?

I have not been able to find a readout for the temperature sensor in my MultiPlus 2000/24v when connected to my PC via VEConfig - does it not work like this?

Also I was hoping to use the virtual assistant to turn off the inverter at specific temperatures, is this not possible?

Thank you

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The temperature sensor when wired in to the Multiplus is purely for its own temperature compensation calculations. There is currently no way of viewing or utilising this reading for anything else.

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

It looks like the Multiplus Battery Temperature is now available - it now appears under VE.BUS System [261] Battery Temperature. This appeared for the first time on my setup on 29th MAy 2019. Can someone confirm this is now from the sensor connected to a Multiplus

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ commented ·

Yes it was added in v2.30;

See under 'Full Changelog' > 'Inverter/Charger Monitoring'.

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mrt avatar image mrt commented ·

Well VE.BUS temp did appear briefly with VRM setup after latest release. It appeared to have no data however, and I note that with a change of layout of the 'advanced' page, the item for Temp from VE.BUS (the Multi) is gone …. only the Battery Monitor sourced temp is available.

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ mrt commented ·

Do you have DVCC & STS enabled with the BMV temperature reading as the source for all equipment?

As you seem to have 2 temperature sensors active it is probably not showing both readings intentionally to avoid confusion.

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mrt avatar image mrt Mark ♦♦ commented ·

No, I don't and as I don't have a temp sensor attached to the BMV, it is showing as "No Data" within VRM- as would be expected.

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joe-d avatar image joe-d mrt commented ·

I have the same situation, the Multiplus temp sensor can be selected in the VRM Advanced Widget, but a blank graph is shown with a label "Battery Temperature [261]"

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