
moritz avatar image
moritz asked

MPPT 75/15 Low output

Hi all,

I recently installed my 160W SemiFlexiable Solar Panel and the MPPT 75/15 on my car.

I have checked eveything and eveything seems to be fine.

But when I take a look in the app the controller is not really charging.

It always shows something like 6 - 12W (even in full, bright sun with clear sky).

Things I already did:

- Measured voltage on panel (20 - 21 V)

- Measured Volage when conntected (see app)

- Measured current if conntected to the MPPT 75/15 (same result as in App)

- Started some usage on the battery (battery voltage goes dosnt but current not up).

- Performed a factory reset

- Checked fuse

- Removed solar panel and battery -> reconnected battery then solar panel

Any suggestions what might be the problem?



MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท

Can you disconnect the panel and see what the solar voltage shows in the app?

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moritz avatar image moritz commented ยท

Thanks for the answer, I have tested it and the app shows a current of 0.01V

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Can you take a screenshot of the battery settings screen?

And the same status screen with the panel disconnected.

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moritz avatar image moritz commented ยท

Very strange, I went to the Car and connected via App to shoot this screenshots:

As I connected the panel again it shows something like this:

It shows about 50W which seems to be not much for a 160Wp in direct sun. Shout that be more?



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Should be more, but why.

Could be a bad connections somewhere,

Also would be a good idea to read this recent similar post, and do the same maths on your panel to make sure the numbers add up:

If you get stuck, post a photo of the spec sticker on the back of the panel.

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